Booking System Management


Many of our customers'''' operations have a mix of visitors who either wait for their turn or arrive for a pre-booked appointment. Customers taking a regular number ticket can comfortably sit and wait for their turn, and with our booking system, even those who have scheduled a meeting can receive quick and efficient assistance. Instead of constantly wondering if someone has noticed their arrival or contacting staff to inform them of their presence, customers can notify their arrival on the queue machine''''s touchscreen. Staff can focus on other tasks, and customers can confidently wait, knowing they are being attended to.

With our booking system, Ventus manages the entire booking process, from reservation to arrival. The business itself manages the availability of booking times, the duration of meetings, when the times should be available, etc. Customers can then book available times through a website, or a staff member can book the times when customers contact the business. Once on-site for a scheduled meeting, the customer can announce their arrival by entering, for example, a booking number on the touchscreen of the queue machine. The meeting recipient then receives an email, and an optional SMS, notifying them that the customer is on-site, while the customer receives a message on the touchscreen indicating that the meeting recipient has acknowledged their arrival.

Of course, the booking system includes built-in booking confirmations and reminders before scheduled meetings.

Ventus bookning

Ventus bookning

Many of our clients'' operations cater to a mix of visitors, either waiting for their turn or arriving for pre-booked appointments. Customers taking a regular number ticket can sit down and wait for their turn calmly, and with our booking system, even customers who have scheduled a meeting can receive quick and efficient assistance. Instead of constantly wondering if someone has noticed their arrival or contacting staff to inform them of their presence, customers can notify their arrival on the queue machine''s touchscreen. Staff can focus on other tasks, and customers can confidently wait, knowing they are being attended to.

With our booking system, Ventus manages the entire booking process, from reservation to arrival. The business itself manages the availability of booking times, the duration of meetings, when the times should be available, etc. Customers can then book available times through a website, or a staff member can book the times when customers contact the business. Once on-site for a scheduled meeting, the customer can announce their arrival by entering, for example, a booking number on the touchscreen of the queue machine. The meeting recipient then receives an email, and an optional SMS, notifying them that the customer is on-site, while the customer receives a message on the touchscreen indicating that the meeting recipient has acknowledged their arrival.

Of course, the booking system includes built-in booking confirmations and reminders before scheduled meetings.

The Ventus booking system provides the following advantages:

  • Increased efficiency

  • Booking, time management, and arrival notification in the same system

  • Ability to handle more customers within the same timeframe

  • Improved customer satisfaction

  • Reduced stress for staff

  • Shorter wait times

  • Fewer people waiting in the premises.

  • Can be directly linked to the business''s website.


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